Sainte Assise Castle

Sainte Assise Castle

Admin Admin February 12, 2023 Place to Visit

The Royal Abbey of Saint-Acire

The priory of Saint-Acire was founded around 1135 under the invocation of Saint Acire or Achérie ( Acerius ). It was not until much later that this name was corrupted in Saint Assisi . This priory soon became the royal abbey of Sainte-Acire, a subsidiary of the abbey of Preuilly , itself dependent on the abbey of Cîteaux .

Louis VII placed the abbey under his protection and donated a set of lands, including the neighboring forests of Sénart and Beaulieu [Where?] , in 1146 and 1147 . Numerous donations followed, confirmed by Pope Alexander III in 1164 .

In the 1150s , work was undertaken on a new abbey located in a healthier place, overlooking the Seine, called Barbeel or Barbeau (commune of Fontaine-le-Port). A magnificent monastery was built there, the abbey church of which was consecrated in 1178 . The abbey was then called Barbeau Abbey and Saint-Acire once again became a simple priory.

This priory was itself transferred, a few years later, on a height dominating the Seine, undoubtedly for the same reasons of insalubrity which had led the abbey to move.

The Château des Caumartin 17th  century

At the end of the 16th  century , the Caumartins , holders of the seigneury of Saint-Port, wanted to build a new castle because the feudal manor, built in the 13th  century , was in poor condition and badly located .

By exchange, concluded with the commendatory abbot of Barbeau, Benjamin de Brichanteau , Louis Lefèvre de Caumartin acquired in 1608 the land on which stood the priory of Saint-Acire. On the site of the buildings, of which he kept only the chapel, he had a magnificent castle built in the shape of a parallelogram confined by two pavilions, with three large terraces rising up to the Seine. For him, Henri IV established the seigneury of Saint-Port as a barony.

The barony of Saint-Port and the seigneury of Sainte-Assise passed in 1623 to the widow of Louis Lefèvre de Caumartin, Marie Miron, then in 1645 to his son, Jacques Lefèvre de Caumartin . In 1682 , his heirs sold the estate to Antoine de Benoist, whose widow, Catherine Goy, sold it in 1695 to the diplomat and poet Jean de La Chapelle ( 1655 – 1723 ).

Sainte-Assise in the 18th  century 

La Chapelle only rarely stayed in Sainte-Assise and sold the castle in 1700 to Jean Glucq (or Gluck), an industrialist of Dutch origin who had created a dye factory on rue de Bièvre in Paris and made a fine fortune by joining to François Jullienne , cloth maker, whose sister Marie Charlotte Jullienne he had married.